Security & Backup
Your data is your business. If it is lost there is often no coming back. Riverford provide secure, reliable backup solutions that ensure you can recover from fire, theft, accidental or malicious deletion and malware attack. You tell us how critical the data is, we provide the right solution.
What can and should you back up?
Your cloud storage, like SharePoint, Teams or Onedrive isn't backup. It helps but it isn't a full solution. This should be copied too.
Email, often where critical information from customers or suppliers is kept, should be backed up
Data on Servers and user's machines.
Entire servers and even machines, if it is critical that you recover fast.
What is disaster recovery?
Disaster recovery is having in place the systems to get the business up and running again after a disaster. Perhaps there is a flood or fire in the office. Perhaps a gas leak means it is closed. Your business needs to continue but has no premises to work from and no access to the usual machines and servers - or what was on them. That is a disaster. Being prepared means you can move to the cloud and work from anywhere.
If you think your business needs a service like this, get in touch for a discussion about how we might be able to help.
Secure Systems
Anti Virus - Why do we need it and what is good?
Anti-Virus is the last line of defence when things go wrong.
You need anti-virus:
To block threats from accessing your devices
To remove threats from your devices
To manage the security of all your devices from a single portal
To change the way your anti-virus works in one place for all devices
To see and respond to threats from one place
We only recommend proven, world-class anti-virus solutions.
Security Gateways - protect your email
Email is the most likely way hackers, fraudsters and providers of malicious software, like Ransomware, will get into your business.
Email security gateways provide a line of defence against these threats, tackling them before they reach your inbox. This dramatically increases the security of the business. If your users don't get malicious attachments, they can't click on them. If your users don't get fraudulent messages, the business won't lose the money.
We recommend a security gateway for your email as a vital addition to your security.